Noticias del Puerto de Monterey

Noticias del Puerto de Monterey (titled Noticias de Monterey in part of 2005 and 2006), was a quarterly newsletter of Monterey history published by the Monterey History and Art Association from 1957 and until 2009. Over the years, the quarterly publication became irregular, and after a one-year gap in 2007 a very large 50th anniversary commemorative issue was published. Noticias articles generally address people, places, and events in and around Monterey. The articles were researched and written by local historians and/or knowledgeable members of the Association. The Mayo Hayes O'Donnell Library holds a complete set of Noticias. All but a few issues are available here as searchable PDF files. A text index for 1968 through 2000 and a table of contents for 1957 through 1966 are avilable here and at MHOD. The purpose of the publication was set out in the first issue:

Since its founding in 1931, the Association has had as its primary objective the preservation of those reminders of historic Monterey: the old adobe homes and significant buildings of the early days of Spanish, Mexican and American California.  The Association has also obtained through purchase and loan numerous articles for exhibition in public museums such as the old Customs House, the Stevenson House, and Colton Hall.  It has taken an active part in impressing on the people of Monterey the inestimable value of the City's place in history, the uniqueness of their heritage, and the importance of retaining for succeeding generations of Californians, adopted or native-born, those irreplaceable relics of a bygone age which embody the state's romantic story.
However, there is a feeling that the Association has another obligation: the encouragement of general interest in local history through the publication of articles covering Monterey's colorful four hundred years as the "cradle of California history."  Furthermore, the decisions of the Board of Directors, the calendar of coming events, and news of important acquisitions need wider circulation among the members. For these reasons the Board has sponsored this quarterly.
The editors propose to make the Noticias del Puerto de Monterey not only an item of interest for local members, but a genuine contribution to the history of California by including in each issue an article drawn from hitherto unpublished primary historical sources.

162 issues are indexed on this site and searchable by keywords and by fields.


